Money matters! In today’s world, it is not possible to think a single day without money. Everything that we are doing it for money. But do we really know how to handle this precious asset in a better way? Most of us don’t know. Do you want to know a fun way to learn about how to handle money? And there is no better option than Monopoly!
A monopoly is a broad game. This game is currently published by Hasbro. It is derived from the Landlord’s Game which is created by Lizzie Magie in 1903. It was first published by Parker Brothers in 1935. They kept the name after the economic concept of monopoly.
The game has been a classic board game for 100 years. It offers a pearl of financial wisdom and lessons that can be applied to the real world. One of the most important that Monopoly teaches us that one should always have cash on hands. Another key thing that it teaches us is to have patience throughout the game and also in real life. While playing it we should always keep in mind that the most expensive asset may not be the best one always. These are some of the valuable money lessons that this amazing game teaches us.